Friday, December 2, 2011

Moving in...

I found a nice, quiet C2 with no traffic other than myself for the past 2 weeks. There's one offline tower here, a few cans, and pure silence. It'll be hard to not get lazy with the dscans, but knowing how much isk I have in here, I'll hopefully remember to be careful.

I currently have my main in a Tengu, and an alt in an Orca. Having to fuel a POS in highsec drives me batshit, so my one attempt at living out of a POS in a wormhole (last winter) ended badly, to put it mildly. Over Christmas last year I didn't log in for a few days, then when I finally did I saw I had lots of fuel notifications, and the thing would be offlining within two hours. By the time I found an exit, got a hauler into a station to buy fuel and was two jumps out, the insurance evemails had already started pouring in. It was literally a matter of minutes between when the shield went down and when the ship maint arrays started popping. A coupla billion isk disappeared, and so I took a good 6-9 month break.

The Orca, though, that's the bomb. Fitting, corp hangars, and a ship maint array all in one ship that never needs fuel. Unfortunately the alt can't ever leave it, as it would just be floating in space, totally scannable. I have a plan for how to deal with this, but I haven't enacted it yet.

Tonight I found a highsec exit, so I made an overdue shopping run. I picked up some gang links for the orca alt, who finishes the skills for them tomorrow night. Shield links for when I'm running combat sites, and a mining laser optimization for mining gas. Lots of spare probes, and I also kitted out a Ferox for gas mining. I haven't had the chance to test the tank against sleepers yet, as I'm just going to finish this entry and pass out for the night.

This hole doesn't have a static exit, but it seems that highsec exits pop up once or twice a week, so as long as I've got enough supplies (no pos fuel!), I can wait for a new exit to open up. Next time one pops up I'll jump out and fit up a bomber, it's the only remaining thing I need.

So I'm all settled in, got all my gear, and can't wait for tomorrow night, when the isk-making will hopefully begin in earnest.

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